Constitution & By-Laws
Section 1. Name
This council shall be called “San Diego Council of Bass Clubs”
Section 2. Purpose
To present a unified voice to the City Council, State and National Officials and others where necessary in the presentation of the views of the organized Bass Fishing Clubs of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs. To exchange information, ideas, programs, and other things among and between the individual clubs. To promote water quality, water level, and fisheries management as an ongoing goal to the benefit of the Bass Fishery in San Diego. To do all other things and to promote all other issues related to Bass Fishing, which in the opinion of the Council, are required.
Section 1. Requirements for Eligibility and to Continue Membership of the San Diego Council for Bass Clubs
A. A prospective club must:
1. Conduct regular meetings for at least three months prior to applying for membership
2. Schedule at least five tournaments or organized functions per calendar year
3. Make application to the Council to be a member club at a regularly scheduled council meeting
4. Obtain approval of the application by a majority vote of the clubs present at a regular meeting 5. Immediately pay pro-rated dues from the date of such meeting to December 31st of that year. In no event shall the dues be less than the dues that would be charged had the Club applied with a membership of 20 individuals
6. A prospective club will be ineligible to participate in any San Diego Council of Bass Clubs functions until membership is granted.
Section 2. Dues, Suspensions and Expulsion
A. Annual Dues shall be due and payable by each club at the January meeting each year. Any club who has not paid such annual dues by the January meeting shall be ineligible to participate in any San Diego Council of Bass Clubs activities until such dues are brought current. In the event such dues are not brought current by the April meeting, such club shall automatically be expelled from the Council.
1. Dues shall be assessed at a rate to be determined by annual vote of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs at or as soon as possible following the January meeting each year. Such dues shall be based on the number of members of each participating club.
B. Any member club maybe expelled from the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs for just cause by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the member clubs of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs. Any club expelled or voluntarily withdrawing from the Council shall forfeit any dues previously paid.
C. A letter of expulsion must be written and presented to the club within fifteen days of such vote. Presentation shall be deemed sufficient when mailed to that club at the last known address of that club’s representative. An expelled club may re-apply for membership no sooner than one hundred and twenty days following such expulsion. Such re-application shall be treated in all respects as if that club is a new club applying for membership, including but not limited to all financial obligations of a new club joining for the first time, except that the member clubs may consider the reason for expulsion in determining whether such club will be allowed to regain membership.
Section 1. The Executive Board of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs shall consist of the following officers:
A. President
B. Vice-President
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
PRESIDENT – The President shall supervise the affairs of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs and shall preside at all meetings. Additionally, the President shall perform such duties as are pertinent, including acting as the representative of the Council, and speaking or corresponding on behalf of the Council. The President is authorized to take any action that in his judgment he deems appropriate to the best interest of the Council and its goals. Significant actions taken by the President should be announced to the various clubs and confirmed at the following regularly scheduled meeting.
VICE-PRESIDENT – The Vice-President shall assist the President and preside in the absence of the President
SECRETARY – The Secretary shall be the custodian of all minutes of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs and shall keep a record of all San Diego Council of Bass Clubs meetings.
TREASURER – The Treasurer shall maintain accurate financial records and shall report on each expenditure and receipt of the Bass Council at each regular meeting. The Treasurer shall collect all dues and fees due to the Council and shall generally manage the affairs of the Council. The Treasurer shall maintain a checking account, which will require two signatures. Those two signatures shall be any combination of the President, Vice-President, Secretary or the Treasurer
A. Before the September meeting the President shall appoint an Election and Nominating Committee consisting of three members, none of which may be members of the Executive Board, and all of which shall be precluded from running for or holding any office during the upcoming year and all three of which shall be members of three different clubs.
B. At the regular October meeting, the Election and Nominating Committee shall place in nomination the name of one or more individuals for the office of President. Following this any other qualified individual may be nominated by a member club from the floor. Such nomination must, in order to constitute a nomination, be made and seconded by a member club.
C. No member shall be nominated for office without their consent and accord.
D. At the November meeting, the nominees will be allowed to give a campaign speech of not more than three minutes prior to voting. Voting shall be done by secret ballot; one vote shall be allowed for each club and proxy ballots will not be allowed. The Election and Nominating Committee shall announce the results during that meeting will handle the tabulation. No candidate shall be declared the winner unless they receive more than 50% of the votes cast. A runoff shall be held when necessary.
A. TERM OF OFFICE – The term of office for the President shall be for one year, which shall begin on January 1st, and shall end on the last day of December of that same year.
B. APPOINTMENT OF OTHER OFFICERS – The President shall appoint a Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer who shall serve at the discretion of the President. The President shall have the power to remove and appoint new officers in their place and stead with sole discretion.
A. In the event the office of President becomes vacant, nominations shall be solicited from the floor at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Additional nominations shall be allowed at the following regularly scheduled meeting and at such meeting an election shall occur. That election shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of office and shall not affect the regularly scheduled election to be held annually in November.
B. Any Executive Officer, Committee Chairperson, or Committee Member vacating office for any reason shall immediately turn over all monies, receipts, records, and properties of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs to the President of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs.
A. ELIGIBILITY – Any individual who has been a member of a member club in good standing for six months prior to appointment or election and shall continue to be in good standing during the time when such office or committee membership is held is eligible to hold office and/or committee membership.
B. REMOVAL OF THE PRESIDENT – At any regularly scheduled meeting any member club can make a motion which to be successful must be carried by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all clubs in good standing at the time of such meeting. Voting shall be done by secret ballot, Proxy voting shall not be allowed, and the Chairman of the Election Committee shall preside over that portion of the meeting during which such vote is taken. Any member club and the President who is the subject of the vote may examine the ballots after such a vote.
Article 4. MEETINGS
Section 1. If possible and desirable there shall be at least one regular meeting of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs each month. The time and location shall be provided in advance in writing by the President. At each meeting, each club shall hold one vote and no proxy votes shall be allowed. Motions and seconds may only be made by the club representative.
Section 2. Roberts Rules of Order will govern parliamentary procedures and the conduct of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs on any point not specifically covered by the Constitution and By-laws.
Section 3. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, or the Chairman of the nominating and election committee, in the order named shall preside at all meetings. In the absence of all the above listed individuals a chairman may be elected from the members present. The presiding officer may vote only in the event of a tie vote occurs or in the event he is the only representative of his club present.
Section 4. A written agenda will be distributed to all voting clubs prior to the beginning of each regularly scheduled meeting and shall be open to additions from the floor.
Section 1. The President shall have the power to appoint the following committees including Committee Chairman and members for each committee.
A. Audit Committee – This committee shall be appointed to review all the income and disbursements for each year at the end of the year. The committee shall report to the Council as soon as possible, and if possible, by the January meeting as to their opinion as to whether such expenses and income of the preceding year were proper. This Committee shall consist of at least three members. The prior Treasurer being reviewed shall not be a member of this committee.
B. Election and Nominating Committee – This committee shall consist of at least three members and shall perform the duties set forth elsewhere in this document.
Section 2. Committee Chairpersons and committee members shall be appointed by the President and shall hold office until the end of the calendar year in which they are appointed or upon removal in the sole discretion of the President. The exception to this shall be the audit committee shall only hold office until they have presented their report regarding the previous year’s income and expenditures. Section 3. The President also has the authority to appoint any appropriate committees as necessary and such committees shall perform the functions necessary to their task and shall be appointed and removed as set forth in this article.
Section 1. Each year the President shall appoint clubs to perform the following functions on behalf of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs.
A. The Tournament of Champions
B. The Top Six Tournament
Article 7. AMENDMENT
Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the member clubs of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs. At any regular meeting following a meeting at which the motion for an amendment has been introduced in writing. Proxy votes shall not be allowed.
Section 1. Name
This council shall be called “San Diego Council of Bass Clubs”
Section 2. Purpose
To present a unified voice to the City Council, State and National Officials and others where necessary in the presentation of the views of the organized Bass Fishing Clubs of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs. To exchange information, ideas, programs, and other things among and between the individual clubs. To promote water quality, water level, and fisheries management as an ongoing goal to the benefit of the Bass Fishery in San Diego. To do all other things and to promote all other issues related to Bass Fishing, which in the opinion of the Council, are required.
Section 1. Requirements for Eligibility and to Continue Membership of the San Diego Council for Bass Clubs
A. A prospective club must:
1. Conduct regular meetings for at least three months prior to applying for membership
2. Schedule at least five tournaments or organized functions per calendar year
3. Make application to the Council to be a member club at a regularly scheduled council meeting
4. Obtain approval of the application by a majority vote of the clubs present at a regular meeting 5. Immediately pay pro-rated dues from the date of such meeting to December 31st of that year. In no event shall the dues be less than the dues that would be charged had the Club applied with a membership of 20 individuals
6. A prospective club will be ineligible to participate in any San Diego Council of Bass Clubs functions until membership is granted.
Section 2. Dues, Suspensions and Expulsion
A. Annual Dues shall be due and payable by each club at the January meeting each year. Any club who has not paid such annual dues by the January meeting shall be ineligible to participate in any San Diego Council of Bass Clubs activities until such dues are brought current. In the event such dues are not brought current by the April meeting, such club shall automatically be expelled from the Council.
1. Dues shall be assessed at a rate to be determined by annual vote of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs at or as soon as possible following the January meeting each year. Such dues shall be based on the number of members of each participating club.
B. Any member club maybe expelled from the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs for just cause by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the member clubs of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs. Any club expelled or voluntarily withdrawing from the Council shall forfeit any dues previously paid.
C. A letter of expulsion must be written and presented to the club within fifteen days of such vote. Presentation shall be deemed sufficient when mailed to that club at the last known address of that club’s representative. An expelled club may re-apply for membership no sooner than one hundred and twenty days following such expulsion. Such re-application shall be treated in all respects as if that club is a new club applying for membership, including but not limited to all financial obligations of a new club joining for the first time, except that the member clubs may consider the reason for expulsion in determining whether such club will be allowed to regain membership.
Section 1. The Executive Board of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs shall consist of the following officers:
A. President
B. Vice-President
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
PRESIDENT – The President shall supervise the affairs of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs and shall preside at all meetings. Additionally, the President shall perform such duties as are pertinent, including acting as the representative of the Council, and speaking or corresponding on behalf of the Council. The President is authorized to take any action that in his judgment he deems appropriate to the best interest of the Council and its goals. Significant actions taken by the President should be announced to the various clubs and confirmed at the following regularly scheduled meeting.
VICE-PRESIDENT – The Vice-President shall assist the President and preside in the absence of the President
SECRETARY – The Secretary shall be the custodian of all minutes of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs and shall keep a record of all San Diego Council of Bass Clubs meetings.
TREASURER – The Treasurer shall maintain accurate financial records and shall report on each expenditure and receipt of the Bass Council at each regular meeting. The Treasurer shall collect all dues and fees due to the Council and shall generally manage the affairs of the Council. The Treasurer shall maintain a checking account, which will require two signatures. Those two signatures shall be any combination of the President, Vice-President, Secretary or the Treasurer
A. Before the September meeting the President shall appoint an Election and Nominating Committee consisting of three members, none of which may be members of the Executive Board, and all of which shall be precluded from running for or holding any office during the upcoming year and all three of which shall be members of three different clubs.
B. At the regular October meeting, the Election and Nominating Committee shall place in nomination the name of one or more individuals for the office of President. Following this any other qualified individual may be nominated by a member club from the floor. Such nomination must, in order to constitute a nomination, be made and seconded by a member club.
C. No member shall be nominated for office without their consent and accord.
D. At the November meeting, the nominees will be allowed to give a campaign speech of not more than three minutes prior to voting. Voting shall be done by secret ballot; one vote shall be allowed for each club and proxy ballots will not be allowed. The Election and Nominating Committee shall announce the results during that meeting will handle the tabulation. No candidate shall be declared the winner unless they receive more than 50% of the votes cast. A runoff shall be held when necessary.
A. TERM OF OFFICE – The term of office for the President shall be for one year, which shall begin on January 1st, and shall end on the last day of December of that same year.
B. APPOINTMENT OF OTHER OFFICERS – The President shall appoint a Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer who shall serve at the discretion of the President. The President shall have the power to remove and appoint new officers in their place and stead with sole discretion.
A. In the event the office of President becomes vacant, nominations shall be solicited from the floor at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Additional nominations shall be allowed at the following regularly scheduled meeting and at such meeting an election shall occur. That election shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of office and shall not affect the regularly scheduled election to be held annually in November.
B. Any Executive Officer, Committee Chairperson, or Committee Member vacating office for any reason shall immediately turn over all monies, receipts, records, and properties of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs to the President of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs.
A. ELIGIBILITY – Any individual who has been a member of a member club in good standing for six months prior to appointment or election and shall continue to be in good standing during the time when such office or committee membership is held is eligible to hold office and/or committee membership.
B. REMOVAL OF THE PRESIDENT – At any regularly scheduled meeting any member club can make a motion which to be successful must be carried by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all clubs in good standing at the time of such meeting. Voting shall be done by secret ballot, Proxy voting shall not be allowed, and the Chairman of the Election Committee shall preside over that portion of the meeting during which such vote is taken. Any member club and the President who is the subject of the vote may examine the ballots after such a vote.
Article 4. MEETINGS
Section 1. If possible and desirable there shall be at least one regular meeting of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs each month. The time and location shall be provided in advance in writing by the President. At each meeting, each club shall hold one vote and no proxy votes shall be allowed. Motions and seconds may only be made by the club representative.
Section 2. Roberts Rules of Order will govern parliamentary procedures and the conduct of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs on any point not specifically covered by the Constitution and By-laws.
Section 3. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, or the Chairman of the nominating and election committee, in the order named shall preside at all meetings. In the absence of all the above listed individuals a chairman may be elected from the members present. The presiding officer may vote only in the event of a tie vote occurs or in the event he is the only representative of his club present.
Section 4. A written agenda will be distributed to all voting clubs prior to the beginning of each regularly scheduled meeting and shall be open to additions from the floor.
Section 1. The President shall have the power to appoint the following committees including Committee Chairman and members for each committee.
A. Audit Committee – This committee shall be appointed to review all the income and disbursements for each year at the end of the year. The committee shall report to the Council as soon as possible, and if possible, by the January meeting as to their opinion as to whether such expenses and income of the preceding year were proper. This Committee shall consist of at least three members. The prior Treasurer being reviewed shall not be a member of this committee.
B. Election and Nominating Committee – This committee shall consist of at least three members and shall perform the duties set forth elsewhere in this document.
Section 2. Committee Chairpersons and committee members shall be appointed by the President and shall hold office until the end of the calendar year in which they are appointed or upon removal in the sole discretion of the President. The exception to this shall be the audit committee shall only hold office until they have presented their report regarding the previous year’s income and expenditures. Section 3. The President also has the authority to appoint any appropriate committees as necessary and such committees shall perform the functions necessary to their task and shall be appointed and removed as set forth in this article.
Section 1. Each year the President shall appoint clubs to perform the following functions on behalf of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs.
A. The Tournament of Champions
B. The Top Six Tournament
Article 7. AMENDMENT
Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the member clubs of the San Diego Council of Bass Clubs. At any regular meeting following a meeting at which the motion for an amendment has been introduced in writing. Proxy votes shall not be allowed.